#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # from __future__ import unicode_literals from datetime import datetime # Site info AUTHOR = 'banshee' ROBOTS = 'index, follow' SITENAME = 'blog.grink.tech' SITETITLE = 'Banshee\'s blog' SITESUBTITLE = 'Subtitle subtitle' SITEDESCRIPTION = 'description description 2' SITELOGO = 'logo.png' COPYRIGHT_YEAR = datetime.now().year # when developing: don't specify URL, use document-relative URLs SITEURL = 'https://blog.grink.tech' RELATIVE_URLS = False SITEURL = '' RELATIVE_URLS = True # Locale and Language #LOCALE = 'en_US' DEFAULT_LANG = 'en' TIMEZONE = 'Europe/London' DATE_FORMATS = { 'en': '%b %d, %Y', } # Build settings PATH = 'content' THEME = 'custom-theme' ARTICLE_PATHS = [ 'blog' ] ARTICLE_URL = 'blog/{slug}.html' ARTICLE_SAVE_AS = 'blog/{slug}.html' #ARTICLE_PRIMARY_PATH = 'blog' PAGE_PATHS = [ 'pages' ] DIRECT_TEMPLATES = [ 'index', 'authors', 'categories', 'tags', 'archives', '404', 'search', ] # below pages are not included in the theme, but you want to customize them in html and layout # TEMPLATE_PAGES = { # 'pages/test.html': 'pages/test.html' # } DEFAULT_PAGINATION = 10 DEFAULT_DATE = (2023, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0) OUTPUT_PATH = 'output' DELETE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = True # Feed generation, usually not needed when developing FEED_ALL_ATOM = None CATEGORY_FEED_ATOM = None TRANSLATION_FEED_ATOM = None AUTHOR_FEED_ATOM = None AUTHOR_FEED_RSS = None # Advanced Settings FORMATTED_FIELDS = [] # removed 'summary' STATIC_PATHS = [ 'images', 'favicon.ico', 'logo.png', #'.htaccess', 'robots.txt' ] # Plugins # since version 4.5, plugins are installed as python packages, refer to requirements.txt # PLUGIN_PATHS = [ # '../../pelican-plugins' # ] PLUGINS = [ 'sitemap', # generate sitemap document, see #'minchin.pelican.plugins.post_stats', # generate post statistics 'related_posts', # find articles those share common tags #'neighbors', # find next, previous article 'share_post', # static sharing buttons #'tipue_search', # generate data for searching #'tag_cloud', # generate tag cloud in different sizes ] SITEMAP = { 'format': 'xml', 'priorities': { 'articles': 0.5, 'indexes': 0.5, 'pages': 0.5 }, 'changefreqs': { 'articles': 'monthly', 'indexes': 'daily', 'pages': 'monthly' } } RELATED_POSTS_MAX = 5 RELATED_POSTS_SKIP_SAME_CATEGORY = False # Markdown extensions TYPOGRIFY = True MARKDOWN = { 'extensions': [ # official extensions 'markdown.extensions.extra', # include extensions: abbr, attr_list, def_list, fenced_code, footnotes, tables 'markdown.extensions.codehilite', # to generate code color scheme using pygments 'markdown.extensions.meta', # to parse key:value pairs at the begining of file 'markdown.extensions.sane_lists',# for better list 'markdown.extensions.toc', # add Table of Content 'markdown.extensions.nl2br', # easily to add new line, but make attr_list and legacy_attrs hard to control #'markdown.extensions.admonition', # to make alert box #'markdown.extensions.legacy_attrs', # insert attribs into element, but markdown already has a built-in function that do the same thing #'markdown.extensions.legacy_em', # to use legacy emphasis #'markdown.extensions.smarty', # converts ASCII dashes, quotes and ellipses to their HTML entity equivalents #'markdown.extensions.wikilinks', # 3rd party extensions #'markdown_checklist.extension', # show checkbox in list #'markdown_captions', # convert to
], 'extension_configs': { 'markdown.extensions.codehilite': {'css_class': 'highlight'}, }, 'output_format': 'html5', } # Social widget SOCIAL = { 'facebook': 'https://facebook.com/trongvq', 'github': 'https://github.com/vuquangtrong', 'linkedin': 'https://www.linkedin.com/in/vqtrong', 'twitter': 'https://twitter.com/trongvq', } # Site validation # CLAIM_GOOGLE = "" # CLAIM_BING = "" # Search Engine # you can use static search engine like TipueSearch or dynami engine like Google Custom Search Engine # GOOGLE_CSE_ID = '007986648373531383257:hnbvizg2lks' # Comments #DISQUS_SITENAME = "vuquangtrong-github-io" # Sharing SHARE_POST = True # old style and static sharing buttons for articles, use AddThis for tracking purpose #ADD_THIS_ID = "ra-5d9ffca0db80069e" # can be on index, any article or page, and can track user activities # HEAP_ANALYTICS = "" # MATOMO_SITENAME = 'vuquangtronggithubio' # new site of PIWIK # PIWIK_SITE_ID = "" # PIWIK_URL = "" # PIWIK_SSL_URL = ""